Sunday, July 29, 2012

If a Tree Falls in the Woods

So the time has come, I'm in my twenties. WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN? One minute I was livin' the dream watching Rocko's Modern Life then BAM! I'm expected to pay rent, taxes and open up a 401k... I think? Wait, that's not right.

Anyways, I'm in this weird funk where, for the first time in my life, I'm not being told what to do or how to get an A. I need a gold sticker and all I'm getting is weak advice on how all the dream jobs I thought I wanted are now irrelevant or miserable. Kindergarten really messed our generation up. How am I dealing with this quarter-life crisis, you ask? I have taken to the blog-o-sphere to air my thoughts for everyone, yet no one, to actually read.

This is the very first post on my very first blog to which I expect to accomplish nothing. I don't think some New York Times exec will stumble upon my witty-hilarity and deem it crucial to hire me, nor do I think that this will turn into anything more than a maximum of six thrifty people satiating their boredom online. However, I come from a Millennial mentality that my thoughts, opinions and rationale matters and should be heard. Thanks, Twitter. Although I by no means think that this is accurate and think I will eventually become a reality TV star, I need to do something to be culturally relevant, right?

To quote Polonius, well Shakespeare but now I'm getting offtrack, "Brevity is the soul of wit." I'm finding it hard to get a job, reach any sort of clarity surrounding a life-goal and I have only the pennies the government lent me to rub together. The real issue at hand? I love to shop. I once didn't eat lunch for a month to save the petty cash my father gave me to buy Ray Bans.

This is a fashion log. How to look fly on a down economy. Mother always said "dress for the job you want not the job you have," and since I am currently unemployed I figure I need to look damn good. If anything this will be a record of what's in my closet so when the economy really bottoms out I can sell my life away and have a digital archive to do so. At the very best, people will think it's cool, overall dress better and hunt for those bargains and maybe it will steer me in the direction of what will make me happy. So cross your fingers that I stay unemployed and easily distracted by online postings.

Here goes nothing... Literally.